RESTfu­­l Jav­a­ wit­h ­JAX­-­­RS 2.­0­ (Second Edition)

Model the URIs

The first thing we are going to do to create our distributed interface is define and name each of the distributed endpoints in our system. In a RESTful system, endpoints are usually referred to as resources and are identified using a URI. URIs satisfy the addressability requirements of a RESTful service.

In our object model, we will be interacting with Orders, Customers, and Products. These will be our main, top-level resources. We want to be able to obtain lists of each of these top-level items and to interact with individual items. LineItems are aggregated within Order objects so they will not be a top-level resource. We could expose them as a subresource under one particular Order, but for now, let’s assume they are hidden by the data format. Given this, here is a list of URIs that will be exposed in our system:


You’ll notice that the nouns in our object model have been represented as URIs. URIs shouldn’t be used as mini-RPC mechanisms and should not identify operations. Instead, you should use a combination of HTTP methods and the data format to model unique operations in your distributed RESTful system.