Configuration file syntax

As you have seen thus far in the manual with plenty of examples still to follow, logback allows you to redefine logging behavior without needing to recompile your code. Indeed, you can easily configure logback so as to disable logging for certain parts of your application, or direct output to a UNIX Syslog daemon, to a database, to a log visualizer, or forward logging events to a remote logback server, which would log according to local server policy, for example by forwarding the log event to a second logback server.

The remainder of this section presents the syntax of configuration files.

As will be demonstrated over and over, the syntax of logback configuration files is extremely flexible. As such, it is not possible to specify the allowed syntax with a DTD file or an XML schema. Nevertheless, the very basic structure of the configuration file can be described as, <configuration> element, containing zero or more <appender> elements, followed by zero or more <logger> elements, followed by at most one <root> element. The following diagram illustrates this basic structure.

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