RESTfu­­l Jav­a­ wit­h ­JAX­-­­RS 2.­0­ (Second Edition)

Example ex13_1: Chat REST Interface

Before we dive into code, let me explain the REST interface for our chat service. The service will share a URL to both send and receive chat messages. The service will work much like Twitter in that if one user posts a chat, anybody listening for chats will see it. Posting a chat is a simple HTTP POST request. Here’s an example request:

POST /chat HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello everybody

As you can see, all the user has to do is post a simple text message to the /chat URL and messages will be sent to all listeners.

To receive chat messages, clients will make a blocking GET request to the chat server:

GET /chat HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

When a chat becomes available, this GET request returns with the next chat message. Additionally, a next Link header is sent back with the HTTP response:

GET /chat?current=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:800

The next link’s URI contains a query parameter identifying to the server the last message the client read. The server will use this index to obtain the next message so that the client sees all messages in order. This new GET request will either block again, or immediately return a queued chat message. The pattern then repeats itself. The response will contain a new next Link header with a new pointer into the message queue:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Link: </chat?current=2>; rel=next

What's up?

The server will buffer the latest 10 chat messages in a linked list so that it can easily find the next message a particular chat client needs. This is an example of a HATEOAS flow, where the client transitions its state using a link passed back from the server.

The Client Code

The client is a console program that takes input from the command line while at the same time printing out the current chat message. To run the client, you must specify the name you want to use to post messages as an initial argument when you start up the program.


public class ChatClient
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
      String name = args[0];

After grabbing the client’s name from the argument list, we then initialize a Client that we’ll use to invoke on the customer chat service:

      final Client client = new ResteasyClientBuilder()
      WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/services/chat");

By default, RESTEasy allows only one connection per Client to be open at one time. So we use the proprietary ClientBuilder implementation of RESTEasy to set a connection pool size of 3. We also initialize a WebTarget with the URL of the chat service.

Next, we use the JAX-RS client asynchronous callback API to set up a loop to pull chat messages from the server:

      target.request().async().get(new InvocationCallback<Response>()
         public void completed(Response response)
            Link next = response.getLink("next");
            String message = response.readEntity(String.class);
            System.out.print(message);// + "\r");
            System.out.print("> ");

         public void failed(Throwable throwable)

The code starts off by making an async request to the base chat URI. This invocation registers an InvocationCallback interface that we’ve implemented as a Java inner class. When the initial GET request is complete, the InvocationCallback.complete() method is invoked, passing in the Response from the server. We first extract the next Link header and the chat message from the Response. We then print the message to the console. Finally, we make a new asynchronous GET request using the URI contained in the next Link header. We register the current InvocationCallback instance with this new request. This will set up a continuous pull request with the chat service.

After we’ve set up our receive loop, we set up another loop that allows us to send chat messages:

      while (true)
         System.out.print("> ");
         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                                   new InputStreamReader(;
         String message = br.readLine();
         target.request().post(Entity.text(name + ": " + message));

We simply read from stdin until the user hits Enter and then do an HTTP POST request to the chat service with the command-line input.

The Server Code

The server side is doing a lot of different things to implement our chat service. Let’s break it down:


public class CustomerChat
   class Message
      String id;
      String message;
      Message next;

The CustomerChat class is annotated with @Path to specify the root resource path of our JAX-RS service. It then declares a simple inner class called Message that will represent the queued chat messages. A message is represented by a String id and a String message, and also contains a reference to the next queued Message.

   protected Message first;
   protected Message last;

The service remembers what the current first and last message is. It stores these in the first and last member variables of the class.

   protected int maxMessages = 10;
   protected LinkedHashMap<String, Message> messages =
                                        new LinkedHashMap<String, Message>()
      protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, Message> eldest)
         boolean remove = size() > maxMessages;
         if (remove) first = eldest.getValue().next;
         return remove;

Message objects are stored in a java.util.LinkedHashMap so that they can be easily looked up when a chat client makes a GET request. The key of this map is the id of the Message. The service will always queue the last 10 messages posted to the server. We use a LinkedHashMap so that we can easily evict the oldest chat message when the maximum number of buffered messages is reached. The removeEldestEntry() method is used to determine when to evict the oldest entry in the map. It simply checks to see if the size of the map is greater than the maximum amount of messages. It then resets what the first message is. Returning true triggers the removal of the eldest entry.

   protected AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);

The AtomicLong counter variable is used to generate message IDs.

   LinkedList<AsyncResponse> listeners = new LinkedList<AsyncResponse>();

The listeners variable stores a list of waiting chat clients. We’ll see how this is used later.

   ExecutorService writer = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

We will have one and only one thread that is responsible for writing response messages back to the chat clients. Having one writer thread is what makes this whole application scale very well. Without asynchronous JAX-RS, this service would require a thread per blocking chat client. While most modern operating systems can handle one or two thousand threads, system performance starts to degrade quickly with all the context switching the operating system has to do. Asynchronous JAX-RS allows us to scale to a much larger number of concurrent users.

Posting a new message

Let’s look at how the service handles a new chat message:

   protected UriInfo uriInfo;

   public void post(final String text)
      final UriBuilder base = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder();
      writer.submit(new Runnable());

The post() method consumes plain-text data. The first thing we do is store a UriBuilder in a local variable of the base URI of our service. We then queue up a task for our writer thread. We cannot use the UriInfo member variable in this background task. The CustomerChat class is a singleton and can accept requests concurrently. Because of this, the UriInfo uriInfo member variable is a proxy that delegates to the request’s actual UriInfo by using an underlying ThreadLocal in most JAX-RS vendor implementations. If the writer background thread invokes on this proxy, it would get an error because ThreadLocal data is not transferred between different threads.

      writer.submit(new Runnable());
         public void run()
            synchronized (messages)
               Message message = new Message();
      = Long.toString(counter.incrementAndGet());
               message.message = text;

Each new message post is queued up for the writer thread in an implementation of the Runnable interface. This task starts off by synchronizing on the messages variable. This protects the critical parts of our message service by serializing access to the messages map. The code then creates a Message instance using an id generated from the counter.

               if (messages.size() == 0)
                  first = message;
         = message;

The writer thread next checks to see if this is the initial message to the system. If so, it sets the first member variable to point to the first message posted to the service. Otherwise, it points the tail of the Message linked list to this new Message instance.

               messages.put(, message);
               last = message;

The code then stores the new message in the messages map and sets the last member variable to point to this new message.

               for (AsyncResponse async : listeners)
                     send(base, async, message);
                  catch (Exception e)

Finally, the writer thread loops through all waiting chat clients and sends them the new message.

Handling poll requests

The CustomerChat.receive() method handles GET requests from chat clients:

   public void receive(@QueryParam("current") String id,
                       @Suspended AsyncResponse async)
      final UriBuilder base = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder();
      Message message = null;
      synchronized (messages)
         Message current = messages.get(id);
         if (current == null) message = first;
         else message =;

         if (message == null) {
      // do this outside of synchronized block to reduce lock hold time
      if (message != null) send(base, async, message);

The receive() method takes a query parameter, current. This parameter is the id of the last message the chat client read. This parameter is allowed to be null if this is the chat client’s first pull request. Injecting the async parameter via the @Suspended annotation detaches HTTP response processing from this request thread.

The method then begins by defining a synchronized block on the messages variable. This block allows the receive() method to perform atomic actions that do not conflict with the writer thread. Within the block, the code looks up the current query parameter in the messages map. If the message is null, then the code sets this variable to the first member variable of the class. Otherwise, it sets the message to the found message’s next field. If the message is still null, then there is no message available and the AsyncResponse is queued for the writer thread to pick up when a message is available.

Finally, after the synchronized block, if the message is not null, it is sent immediately back to the chat client.

   protected void queue(AsyncResponse async)

The queue() method just adds the AsyncResponse to the listeners list so the writer thread can pick it up.

   protected void send(UriBuilder base, AsyncResponse async, Message message)
      URI nextUri = base.clone().path(CustomerChat.class)
      Link next = Link.fromUri(nextUri).rel("next").build();
      Response response = Response.ok(message.message, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE)

The send() method can be called by the writer thread or the receive() method. It creates a Response populated with the message that will be sent back to the chat client. It also calculates and adds a next Link header to send back with the response. At the end of the method, the AsyncResponse.resume() method is invoked with the built Response.

Build and Run the Example Program

You’ll need multiple console windows to run this example. In the first console window, perform the following steps:

  1. Change to the ex13_1 directory of the workbook example code.
  2. Make sure your PATH is set up to include both the JDK and Maven, as described in Chapter 17.
  3. Perform the build and run the example by typing maven jetty:run.

This will start the JAX-RS services for the example.

Open another console window and do the following.

  1. Change to the ex13_1 directory of the workbook example code.
  2. Run the chat client by typing maven exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=ChatClient -Dexec.args=" your-name".

Replace your-name with your first name. Repeat this process in yet another console window to run a second chat client. Finally, start typing chat messages.